Accueil > Enseignements > Section Européenne Anglais > Terminale euro > Freak Show

Freak Show

What does it mean, to be "a Freak" ? A question our Third Year Students tried to answer to, by studying "Freak Show", a season from "American Horror Story".

The Third Year students of the euro section worked on the "Freak Show" season from the series "American Horror Story". After reflecting on the meaning of physical and mental difference as well as the way societies look and treat those they refer to as "Freaks", our students conducted fictitious interviews with Side Show characters who really existed or were entirely drawn from their imagination. A way to pay tribute to these artists and to show that everyone can be, to one degree or another, considered as a "Freak"... but that what connects us is stronger than what divides us : our sense of humanity.

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